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Terms And Conditions

The Axbridge Blackberry Carnival is a fun event for everyone but we do need to make sure that all entrants understand the rules for carnival entries and what is expected of them.  Before entering please read the below - you will be asked to confirm that you have done so when completing your entry form.

Risk Assessment Templates - Downloads:

General Information

  • The Carnival procession will be lined up in Jubilee Road and Cheddar Road.  All entries must be in position for judging by 1.30pm and the procession will start at 2pm.

  • Entrants will be judged in the class for which their entry has been accepted and on the follow - originality, costumes, art work and music.  

  • There are 5 categories of entry:

1.  Trailed Floats Open or Junior (where the majority of participants are under 16 years)

2. Trade Vehicles

3. Walkers & Wheels

4. Classic & Unusual Vehicles (open to any motor vehicle)

5. Best Dressed Driver (every trailed float & vehicle is automatically entered)


  • The judges decision on the day will be final.

  • No animals are permitted in the Carnival procession.

  • All trophies are perpetual and should be returned (untarnished and clean) to a committee member one month prior to the next carnival (by August of the following year).

  • No cash collection is permitted other than by the official Carnival collection float and official collectors on Carnival Day.

  • Entrants must ensure the name of their club / organisation, entry name and procession number are clearly displayed.

  • All adults involved in the carnival procession should act in a responsible manner at the event at all times.

  • All children and minors entering the procession must be fully supervised.  Entrants must have obtained parental consent for all under-18s taking part and entrants must demonstrate sufficient adult/child ratios to ensure safe entry into the carnival.

  • All entrants take part at their own risk and any entry is sole responsibility of the group, club, business or organisation entering and not the responsibility of Axbridge Blackberry Carnival Committee.

  • All entrants must produce their own RISK ASSESSMENT to identify any risks associated with your entry.  You will need to submit your Risk Assessment to  You may be asked to show a copy of this document on the day if any changes have been made to your original entry.  Please refer to the Risk Assessment templates that we have made available and choose the template relevant to your entry – namely Walking Entries, Trailed Floats or Classic Cars.

  • If you need any assistance with completing your Risk Assessment, please email us on:

  • Trailed floats must have four to six adult walkers around their entry (depending on size).

  • Floats/vehicles are to have restraints to prevent persons falling from floats.  As a minimum this should include a means to secure float participants to the float (using a rope/safety harness etc) but could also include guard rails, barriers or other.  A means of securing participants to the float will be mandatory even where safety barriers are also in place on float.  In addition, no one on a float should be able to excessively lean over the edge of the float.

  • The design of a float should be such that there is no need to enter the ‘danger zone’ between the tractor and trailer.  All entries should have rope/chains and ‘No Entry’ signs between tractor and trailer to prevent individuals from accessing the danger zone.

  • All floats with generators must have at least two fire extinguishers, those pulled by tractors must carry at least one fire extinguisher.

  • The Axbridge Blackberry Carnival Committee does not hold itself liable for any expense, damage, loss or injury claim which any entrant may incur or sustain in connection with the carnival.  
    In addition, the Committee cannot be held responsible for any problem involving a trailed float entry, irrespective of any insurance held or not held by members of the trailed float.

  • Entrants are advised to obtain insurance cover in respect of Public Liability and Personal Accident Insurance. All vehicles should be covered by the relevant road test certificates and display current vehicle excess licences as appropriate.  All vehicles must be adequately insured to cover usage in the Carnival and drivers must hold a full driving licence to cover the group of vehicle used.

  • Photographs will be taken for inclusion in newspapers and promotional material for the Carnival.  



  • All entrants for Carnival Queen, King Prince and Princess must be in school years 2, 3 or 4.

  • All entrants must be a resident of Axbridge or a pupil at Axbridge First School.

  • You must not have been Carnival Queen in Axbridge in the last year.

  • Entrants will be asked to draw and submit a picture of a King, Queen, Prince or Princess on a white A4 piece of paper and complete the sentence "I would like to be Carnival Royalty because...." below the picture.

  • Entrants should be available for the following dates:

    • 13th July 2024 - Axbridge First School Fete; crowning of the Carnival Royalty 

    • 21st September 2024 - Axbridge Blackberry Carnival; join the Royal Party.

  • Additionally you will be asked to attend a number of local events throughout the year.

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